Sending pre-arrival emails to your guests

The first thing we recommend everyone do is highlight experiences in your pre-arrival guest communications.

 There are several messages that we see perform really well:

📤 Booking confirmation email

When a guest first books your accommodation, they will be anticipating initial communications from you, and are signalling that they are ready to start firming up aspects of their trip. Alongside the necessary confirmation details, we recommend that you use this opportunity to showcase:

  • An easy way to book transfers to and from your accommodation - so guests can relax straightaway, knowing everything is in hand
  • 2-3 landmark experiences that are likely to book up in advance - so guests don’t miss out, and are able to plan the rest of their itinerary accordingly

If you use an automated process for sending emails, we can provide you with suggestions, a design template, or an html file to include. Let us know what you need and we are more than happy to assist!

 👉 See email templates here

📤 1 week out reminder email

There is a spike in experience bookings approximately 1 week in advance. Make the most of this by sending a dedicated experience email right when guests are thinking about the finer details of their trip. We recommend 3-6 experiences that show off the variety of things guests can do during their stay with you. Typically we think of covering these areas:

  • Exploring the local culture
  • A way to relax and unwind
  • Trying the local food and drink
  • Raising the heart rate with an adventure or activity
  • Practical means of getting around including rentals and equipment

If you use an automated process for sending emails, we can provide you with suggestions, a design template, or an html file to include. Let us know what you need and we are more than happy to assist!

👉 See example email templates here

📤 Adding an automatic message to guests booking on

We recommend that you utilise Templates to automatically send messages to guests (1) when they make a booking and (2) one week before arrival.

  1. Log into the extranet (or Pulse app)
  2. Click on the Property tab in the extranet (or click More in the Pulse app) and select Messaging Preferences.
  3. Select the Message templates tab and then click on the Create new template button
  4. Write your message template - our suggestions are here (replace text in <brackets> with your links & recommendations):
Message template - Booking confirmation


We are excited to welcome you to [PROPERTY_NAME] on [CHECKIN_DATE].

In order to make the most of your stay, we have a curated selection of exciting tours and activities nearby that you might want to check out. There's also a quick and easy way to book your transfer to and from [PROPERTY_NAME].

Check it out

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Message template - 1 week out reminder


Only one week to go until we see you at [PROPERTY_NAME] on [CHECKIN_DATE].

There are so many exciting things to do in <location>, and to help you organize your perfect holiday we prepared a list of our top recommendations

<Recommendation 1>: <link_1>

<Recommendation 2>: <link_2>

<Recommendation 3>: <link_3>

Airport transfer: <link_4>

To see all of the experiences you can book at <location>, check out our full experiences page on <store_link>.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

5. Click on Continue, fill in the Template name and choose a Template topic.

6. Click on Save template

7. Go to the Template scheduler tab and click on the Schedule a template button

8. Select

  • “When a guest makes a booking” for the Booking confirmation message
  • “One week before arrival” for the 1 week out reminder message

9. Click Add to schedule to finalise

10. You can update or remove templates at any time in the Message templates tab.

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