Confirming your bookings

Learn about manual vs instant confirmation bookings.

1️⃣ Manual confirmation bookings

If your rate is set up to be manual confirmation, you will need to ACCEPT or REJECT bookings as they come in.

You will receive an email that confirms all of the key details and where you can click ACCEPT or REJECT.

If you choose to ACCEPT a booking

  • Once you have accepted a booking, you will receive a confirmation email with the full details.

If you choose to REJECT a booking

  • You will be asked to offer alternative slots.
  • See here for detailed instructions:

⚠️ Please note that there is a cut off time before which you will need to respond to the booking. This is to ensure that the traveler isn’t left waiting too long. This cut off time will be shown on your confirmation email.

If your bookings are on manual confirmation, visit Bookings page and to see the ones marked as “PENDING” so you can click on “ACCEPT” or “REJECT”. Alternatively, you can accept or reject bookings by opening a specific slot via Calendar view where you will find all bookings with "PENDING" status. 

2️⃣ Instant confirmation bookings

If your rate is set up to be instant confirmation, there is nothing for you to do when you receive a booking!

You will receive an email that confirms all of the key details.

Please ensure that emails from are marked as safe so they do not end up in spam.

If you have any questions following the booking confirmation email you can email

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